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Human Corona Virus

Human Corona virus

The Human Corona virus often comes with the flu and can be treated well with Energetic Therapy already in practice.

In our daily practice we have regularly found people with complications caused by corona viruses during or after a common cold. During the common cold, the virus can infect the sinuses and forehead cavities. In addition, ear infections and burning eyes occur regularly. After the cold has disappeared, however, the viruses can remain at the locations mentioned, resulting in chronic sinusitis, recurrent ear infections and eye complaints. With this chronic form the virus can also find its way to the central nervous system with neurological symptoms.


Common cold
Sore throat
Burning sensation in the trachea
Chest sore
Ear infections
Eye infections
Balance disorders
Light flashes in eyes
Moisture behind the eardrum
Stimulation of the central nervous system
Tingling in the head
Stitches in the head
Feelings of fear
Feeling numb in fingers and / or toes
Cramps in hands and / or feet
Other neurological complaints

Acute symptoms can decrease due to the use of high doses of vitamin C.
An additional advice is to strengthen your immune system with some extra Vit C, Vit D, Zink, Selenium and Quercetin (advice from doctors).

The Human Corona virus often comes with the flu and can be treated well with Energetic therapy.

Side effects: None