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At Alvital I have experience with successfully treating complaints of ADD, ADHD and Learning and behavioral problems, also with hypersensitivity and giftedness. This applies to both children and adults.
At the first consultation, the treatment is tailor-made for your specific complaint. It has a lead time of one to three months and can include around 3 to 9 treatments.

In this unique approach you are measured holistically in all your dimensions and treated for multiple possible causes. You are measured for the presence of disruptive micro-organisms, stress in the brain waves, food intolerances, toxic load, deviant behavior and subconscious emotional blockages. You no longer need different types of research or therapy for a complete treatment.

Practice has shown that children and adults who suffer from this syndrome often carry an infection with the Human Parvo B 19 virus. We find this virus in people in the central nervous system. Here it causes so much unrest that neurological stimulation arises. This manifests itself in people with ADHD syndrome as great unrest and poor concentration.
This virus often occurs with other family members, such as parents. After treatment of the virus with Energetic therapy, in many cases, the stimulation behavior disappeared in a short time.

The other core of the treatment is the Brainwave therapy with the SCIO-Eductor, the bioresonance system. This has been shown with CT scans after 1 to 5 treatments of the brain that this works effectively. There is more balance, peace and balance with the client. See also the figure below.

Experience of clients:

A 10-year-old boy changed in a few months from a child with bullying behavior, who learned badly and was in danger of being sent out of school, into a child with good learning performance and a major positive change in his behavior. He also played the lead role in the musical at the end of the school year.
A small boy of 3 years, who flew through childcare like a bouncing ball, had changed positively after 3 treatments. At the daycare they said: “What a sweet boy he became”.