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Approach at practice Alvital

In practice we work in All your dimensions on your Vitality. With a comprehensive measurement and investigation, the deeper causes of your complaints are determined. Holistic: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Your story will be seen and heard. Based on this, a targeted treatment plan is drawn up for your complaints. This gives you more understanding of your situation and the required treatments.

Measurement and investigation

After an intake interview, I take a measurement with my Bioresonance system. I also examine you on pathogenic micro-organisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.), emotional tensions and spiritual blockages. That gives you insight into your condition, stress factors and the causes of your complaints. A report is sent to you via Email.

The treatment plan

We will discuss the measurement results, causes and possible solutions. Together we determine a suitable treatment plan for you with the various forms of therapy and the possible number of treatments required.

The treatment
The treatment consists of a unique combination of the following forms of therapy:
The therapies in one or more treatments can ensure that:
  • physically your pain and fatigue are reduced,
  • mentally you become more calm and feel more relaxed,
  • emotionally your tension is releasing,
  • spiritually you go through a proces and can grow in your life.

The degree of results partly depends on your own self-healing capacity and how well you can break through your pathogenic blockages.

Consultation is also possible remotely

I can work with you in measurement and treatment remotely while you are at home or traveling. The SCIO-Eductor works in the Bio-Energetic- or Quantum field. Time and distance are irrelevant. It works immediately.
With my gift I can see and give healings from a distance.  Internationally I already have a lot of experience with this form of treatment. See: Remote consultation.

This is my contribution to you to throw your pathogenic ballast overboard and to work on your own core qualities, to be the best you can, namely Yourself.

Do you want your complaints to be treated with my approach?
You are welcome.